Monday 29 April 2024

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     Just wanted to say a huge thank you for your help organising our cars for our event. Special thanks to all your drivers as well who were extremely helpful, and professional and courteous at all times.

Ravello Transfers and Tours

The village still retains its medieval aspect: twisted streets, villas, churches with wonderful mosaics that testifies the Byzantine and Arabian influence on the Romanesque meridionale.Non know much about the origin of Ravello, probably founded as a Roman colony in the sixth century earliest records of Ravello back to the ninth century when all the centers of the coast were part of the Amalfi State.

In the eleventh century, Ravello tried to break free from the chains of Amalfi: the village was surrounded by walls and the patrician families started building their sumptuous residences, electing its own duke in 1086 Ravello also became a bishopric. With the Norman conquest and their success in the South began the decline of Amalfi, in 1131 became part of the kingdom.

In 1137 the Republic of Pisa devastated for three days Ravello: despite what the Ravello, skilled merchants, had conquered the markets and Arabs, between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the city had about 36,000 inhabitants. During the War of the Sicilian Vespers (1282-1302) the French occupied Ravello who redeemed himself with 135 ounces of gold.

Led by Judge Giovanni Frezza made a covenant to Ladislas of Durazzo in its struggle for the reconquest of the kingdom and occupied Scala instead sided with Louis II of Anjou. During the following centuries Ravello began its decline and also reduced its population: in the seventeenth century , the plague further weakened the town, decimating the population, in 1818 the diocese of Ravello was suppressed and aggregated back to the Archdiocese of Amalfi.

The nature that surrounds Ravello, halfway between sea and sky, the richness of its architectural treasures, which has kept in the course of its long history, and that fit perfectly in a natural setting that has few equals in the world finally a climate nice to have made it a tourist destination Ravello elegant looking for culture, silence and relaxation Ravello overlooking the Amalfi Coast, but far from the intense life of the coast, between the roughness of its small alp and the delicacy of his works 'art, between the melancholy ruins of its buildings and the joyful beauty of its gardens offers it all.

Among its treasures of art stand apart the Cathedral, founded in the twelfth century, Villa Rufolo, whose origins date back to the eleventh century, with its indescribable flowering terraces and Villa Cimbrone, famous for its exciting Belvedere which offers the most 'beautiful view of the world, Moorish Fountain Square and round off the impressive network of narrow streets, in the eyes of the visitor.




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